• Personalized Fitting

    Let our connoisseurs of curves and champions of comfort guide you through a fitting experience that whispers elegance, ensuring your every contour is celebrated in style – because your silhouette deserves nothing less than a masterpiece.

  • Boudoir Consultation

    Our seasoned connoisseurs of allure curate an experience tailored to your desires, elevating your boudoir moments to the realm of timeless elegance.

  • Bridal Consultation

    Allow our eccentric stylists to infuse your undergarments with a dash of irreverent charm, ensuring your bridal ensemble radiates a playfully enchanting allure on your special day.

Schedule Today

To make an appointment with the shop simply text us at 816-842-2473 to secure a time within our shop hours.

Want more of a private experience ? We love to party with you too!

To schedule small parties for time outside of regular shop hours, email us at (prettybirdies@hotmail.com) or text us as 816-842-2473 to see what openings we have. For small party appointments , we require a purchase of a $100 gift certificate in advance to be applied to any purchase during the event.